The gift of faith is something that I have always never really understood. I find myself often wondering why the gift is so overflowing and fruitful for some and yet desolate and lacking for others, yet the love of God for each person is constant because God is Love.
The only thing my feeble finite mind could equate it to is that our souls are like bowls. We are all born with a large bowl. God's love and mercy is poured like water on each weary soul, and some, this is all the bowl can hold for the time being because other things are in the bowl. If anything else were added, the bowl would break. But some, can hold the precious water in the bowl and have room for the gift of a large root in the center. The love and mercy surround this gift, this root of faith, and aid it in its growth---for without the water and tender attendance to pruning it would die.
An attentive spirit is key to one growing evermore in faith and virtue, yet one of the hardest things. If the soul is bombarded with many things, what loving care can be given to the pruning of The Plant of Faith in the bowl?Just like a gardener learns about their plants and how to care properly for them, we too who are given the gift of faith need to learn The Faith. Take time to learn how to properly care for it. How can we do this? I first believe it starts (as with all things) in prayer.
The Root of Faith is a GIFT. A gift is received. Not taken, not forced, but received. It is presented before us, but one must open their hands to accept it. So we, must open our hearts so that this root can take place. God, in His loving goodness, wants you to take an active part in this, actively opening your heart to receive what He wishes to give. He is patiently waiting before you. Waiting in the Eucharist, in the Confessional. Through confession we can get rid of the extra things in our bowls so that there is more room for faith to grow, more room for waters of Love to come in. GO RECEIVE!
Lord, open our hearts and allow us to receive this gift of faith so that our bowls may become overflowing with Your love, knowledge, mercy and grace as to pour them on all Your precious souls! Amen!