Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The greatest poverty.

My heart has come to realize a great poverty in our world.  That is, the poverty of  hurting and unloved hearts.

"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." -- Mother Teresa

Today I was reflecting on the feelings that Mother Teresa says above, the feelings of being: unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten. How many people really feel this way? My heart began to ache.
The sad truth:  Too many, too often.  
I too, like the world around me, sometimes fall into these lies of satan that create an impoverished soul.  The lies he whispers into your ear when your guard is down --- "No one cares about you".  It comes through little ways too, ways you don't maybe realize.  For me, it is something as silly as not getting a text back from someone.  How minuscule, how petty in the scheme of life.  Yet it sometimes goes straight to the heart, defining myself as insignificant.

How do we then, first come to know our own worth, and second grow to show others theirs?

I think we must start with ourselves.   It sometimes is very easy to think of your life as little, insignificant, unwanted, unneeded. Like a simple letter, such as "e".  It does have worth.  In and of itself, it has meaning, it has a purpose.  But alone, it can only do so much.  However, once it is placed with other simple letters like "t" or "h" it creates a word.   A word that still, some may say, is simple.  But what if those three simple letters were to preface another word, it makes it stand out.  Together the words work together to make a sentence; even further sentences to paragraphs; even further pages of text; and into a book.  That little "e" in the scheme of life (the book), may be little, but it has its place, its purpose.  For without that "e" in that specific place, the sentence would not be the same, the paragraph, etc.

I am to the letter "e" in the grand scheme of life.  I have a purpose; yet alone, I can do little by my own accord.  I have the ability by the Hand of the Author of Life to be paired with other little letters to make a great masterpiece of literature, the Word of God manifest through my actions.  I am a little "e" where no other little "e" could be in the Book of Life. And my "e" would mean little if it were not working with others, in Christ, to make up His Body, The Church sharing and testifying to the Truth.

So then, how do we show others their worth?  By loving like Jesus loves, through being at peace with the fact that He has written us into Life exactly where He wanted us to be.  Then, we can be free to love, to share the beauty of the truth He has enlightened us to.

Lord, give me peace in where my "e" is in the world, so that I can testify to all the poor souls of Your Great Goodness; Your tender and compassionate Heart.  Thank you for the Eucharist and being able to receive Jesus so that I can give Him to others.

YOU ARE LOVED, BECAUSE YOU ARE HIS.  ----give yourself over to Jesus and begin to understand your worth, your beauty and the care in which He has for your soul.

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